During the Christmas holidays, students and teachers at Söderslättgymnasiet in Trelleborg, Sweden have read poetry. “One poem each day” has been on the agenda and will continue until World Poetry Day on March 21.

With the guidance of teaching teachers and librarians, the students have chosen different poetry books. It is very exciting to see what collection of poems they have chosen to read. It will also be exciting to take part in the exchange between the students when they have the opportunity to tell each other about the poems.

The idea is that the students should be responsible for the introduction to each teaching sequence by presenting poems to each other. The reading and the conversation about “today’s poem” takes about 10 minutes of teaching time. A great way to start teaching, catch everyone’s attention and create a reading-promoting community!

Many students have chosen to read Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur, so there is no doubt that the students are curious about instapoetry. Some have also started following her on Instagram. Have you started exploring instapoetry with the students? If not, you must! It is highly recommended.

Maria Glawe, Söderslättsgymnasiet, Trelleborg, Sweden.