Global Co-Creation for Sustainability

Category: Poetry from Italy Page 1 of 2

Nature calls – can you hear her cry?

Martina Ferrario and her students at IIS “Luigi Castiglioni” Limbiate i Italien has created SUSTAINABLE POEMS…

In particular in the first link you can find a PADLET with sustainable poems in English, while in the second link you can find a PADLET with sustainable poems in Italian.

Poems in English

Poems in Italian

Safer Internet Day

Maria Rita Pepe and her students at IISS “G. Peano – C. Rosa”, Hereto, Italy celebrated Safer Internet Day with a lesson dedicated to online safety and digital footprint. Several SDG targets are involved; for example

Here is the acrostic collectively produced during our reflections:

Equality is everything

Maria Rita Pepe at IISS “G. Peano – C. Rosa”, Hereto, Italy share some students’ reflections on children’s rights and the 30th anniversary of the signature of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

We are young

but our ideas

will build

the future.

We have the same rights

no matter

who we are.

We have the right

to live

and to express ourselves.

We are young.

By Elisabetta

You and nature belong together

The students at IISS “Parentucelli-Arzelà” in Sarzana, Italy, create poetry for a sustainable future with teacher Ilaria Piccioli. They are currently exploring innovative poetry forms including “Black Out Poetry”;

My students are currently exploring innovative poetry forms…here is Francesca’s black-out poem, expressing a well-balanced harmony between humans and nature…

..we’ll soon upload new creations…

Ilaria Piccioli

Swedish media talk about how the Italian education system becomes the first ever to put the sustainable environment and society at the center of everything in school; Italy first in the world with climate science at school – SVT News.

Skype in the Classroom

Students from Chiaravalle Centrale, Italy and Uzice, Serbia met for a Skype chat on January 31. Looking forward to our next online meeting! 🙂

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