Poetry for a Sustainable Future is the fifth eTwinning projects students and language teachers from Uzicka gimnazija, a grammar school from Uzice, Serbia, have been taking part in. Although we are still novice eTwinners, we have been quite successful so far winning two national quality labels and a European one. About thirty students, aged 16-19 have joined the poetry project, hoping to learn more about writing poetry, develop their critical skills and creativity and try to help our local community and the world become a better place.

There are future literature students among them, a couple of girls who have been writing poetry for years now, and the rest of the group being creative and curious minds willing to try new things. Many of them have already participated in various literary competitions at the local, state and international levels and are always happy to share their work with their peers all over the planet.  

I have been teaching English to teenagers for thirty years and have always had a soft spot for literature. I am constantly trying to encourage her students to read and write and play with English. – Svetlana Gavrilovic, Teacher